Thursday, June 6, 2013

Discussion Director Part 3 Ch. 4-8

1. Compare and contast Candido and Delaney's views on life in America. Who's side do you agree with more?

2. Do you think that Socorro's name was meant as irony? Why or why not?

3. What do you believe the author's view on immigration is based on this novel?  Explain.

4. Do you think the book had any type of moral or life lesson? If so, what is it?

5. Did you enjoy this book? Would you recommend it to someone? Why or why not?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Candido sees America as Cruel but with more opportunities than Mexico gives and Delaney sees America as his home and is very protective of it. i agree with Candido's point of views because i know that its not always perfect here.
    2. Soccorro's name could be viewed as ironic because in spanish it means help.
    3.Based on this novel, i could suggest that the author knows both sides of living in America and since he knows both sides, i would say that his oppinion about immigration isnt nearly as harsh as Delany's is.
    4. The moral lesson the book has given me so far is to not take advantage of what nature gives us and to be happy with what we have because theres people out there who have way less than us.
    5.So far i have enjoyed this book and i would recomend it to others because it has reality to it and a different perspective of living here.
