Sunday, April 21, 2013

Discussion Director: Chapters 1-5

1. What does the term "tortilla curtain" refer to?

2. Where is Delaney headed when he hits Cándido with his car? and what is Delaney's first concern for after hitting Cándido with this car?

3. When Delaney calls Kyra to tell her about hitting Cándido with his car, he gives her 2 reasons not to worry. The first is that he already paid the guy $20. What is the second?

4. What were the words that Cándido's mother said to him when he hallucinated her dead body talking to him?

5. What is "El Tenksgeevee"?

6. Which of the following animals becomes a symbol for Mexican immigrants throughout the story?


  1. 1)I think that the term Toritlla Curtain refers to the international boarder that divides Mexico and the United States.

    2)Delaney was headed to the the recycler when he hit Candido. Delaney's first concern after he hit Candido was for his car, if it was scratched, dented.
    3)The second reason that Delaney insisted Kyra not to worry was because the man was Mexican.
    4)The words that Candido hallucinated was,"Go to the devil,mijo."
    5) El Tenksgeevee refers to the holiday Thanksgiving
    6) The coyote becomes a symbol for immigrants throughout the story because at first the salesman at the dealership tries to make conversation with Delaney and asks if he had hit a deer or a coyote. Then, Delaney decides to take the second option and agrees that it was a coyote or maybe a dog. Thus he clearly reveals that he had hit a Mexican because coyote is also a reference towards people who smuggle aliens into the United States. Delaney is developing a sense of hatred because a Mexican had interfered in his life by damaging his car when he got hit.

  2. 1. I think that the term "tortilla curtain" may refer to the invisible barrier that seperates Hispanic immigrants from middle class society.
    2. Delaney was headed to the recycler and after the accident, his first concern was his car, then his insurance rates and lastly, the victim.
    3. The second reason he gave Kyra was that tje victim was Mexican.
    4. His mother told his to go to the Devil or hell.
    5. That means "the thanksgiving"
    6. The symbol becomes a wild dog or a coyote.
